School Advisory Council

About Us

Constitution and By-Laws
Our Lady of Lourdes School Advisory Council

Updated and Amended May 2022
Amended May 7, 2024


The mission of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School is to educate, ignite, and empower each other to become the best version of ourselves while actively living our Catholic faith.  Through the power of exceptional teaching and learning, we excel academically.  Our relationships inspire the powers of teamwork, service, and creativity.  As part of our parish faith family, our mission makes the world a better place. 


Our Lady of Lourdes is a forward-thinking, premier educational community that combines tradition with contemporary innovation, inspiring and developing young minds with Gospel values to embrace the future God intends.

The School Advisory Council supports and fosters this mission and vision by itself living out and exemplifying these ideals.


The name of this body shall be the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Advisory Council.


The School Advisory Council (SAC) is established by the pastor, in accord with diocesan policy, to assist him, and the principal in the governance of the parish school.  When the SAC meets (pastor, principal and members) and agrees on a policy matter, the decision is effective and binding on all.  Any policies or binding directives must be promulgated by the pastor.  The SAC is consultative. Some areas in which the SAC may be consulted will include, but not limited to:

  1. Planning
    1. develop short-term and long-term goals for operating, maintaining and bettering Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. The SAC may set yearly goals in the areas of planning, policy, marketing and development, academics and enrichment, buildings and grounds, and technology at the final meeting of the academic year.
    2. review and approve tuition and the school budget.
    3. foster better understanding and support for Catholic education
    4. assist in the recurrent process of accreditation
  2. Policy
    1. develop policies consistent with the directives of the Diocese of St Petersburg, the Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church and the Principal of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School
    2. review and approve faculty and student handbooks
    3. review, establish and enforce the constitution, by-laws and code of ethics for the SAC
  3. Marketing & Development
    1. review and recommend action in the areas of fundraising, public relations, marketing, recruitment, cultivation, and solicitation of major gifts and foundation grants
  4. Academics & Enrichment
    1. review the effectiveness of the academic, spiritual, and social programs of the school and recommend additions and/or enhancements to these programs
    2. review test scores and other assessments of student progress
    3. review major curricular changes (council does not design curriculum nor approve or ban textbooks or other instructional material)
    4. the council may recommend additions of staff, but does not hire fire or discipline members of staff
  5. Buildings & Grounds
    1. review and recommend action in the area relating to capital repairs, overall maintenance programs for buildings, grounds and equipment
    2. oversee building inspections, code requirements, energy efficiencies and other areas of facility management
  6. Technology
    1. review and recommend updates to school technology hardware and software for school and student use
    2. assist in formulating policy regarding use of the same

The SAC shall function under the authority delegated to it by the school pastor.  Since the school pastor and the principal are ex-officio, non-voting members of the Council, they provide the leadership and necessary background and information as to the formulation of recommendations.  With advice from the Council, policies are enacted by the pastor.  The principal is responsible for administering policies that are enacted by the school pastor, and is therefore accountable to the pastor.


Home And School Association

The president or another elected or appointed representative of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Home School Association is a member of the SAC. 


The membership of the SAC will consist of 9-14 members in addition to the pastor and principal and a current member of the Home School Association who are ex-officio members who do not vote but have voice.  Members are appointed by the pastor for a 3-year term which can be renewed at the discretion of the pastor.  Employees and spouses of employees of the parish are not eligible for membership.  No more than 30 percent of the membership will be school parents and no more than 20 percent of the membership will be other Catholic parish affiliated.


Prospective members of SAC must

  1. be members of the parish, members of another Catholic parish in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, parents or guardians of students of Our Lady of Lourdes School or alumni of OLL
  2. have an interest in and a commitment to Catholic education and to OLL philosophy and mission
  3. be available to attend meetings
  4. maintain high levels of integrity and confidentiality
  5. deal with situations as they relate to the good of the entire school community and parish.
  6. be a credible witness of the Catholic faith to the school community
  7. agree to adhere to the Code of Ethics as specified in Appendix 1

Ineligibility – Paid employees of the Parish or School are not eligible for SAC membership with the exception of Clergy.


Officers are elected by the SAC to serve one-year, renewable terms.  Only voting members are eligible for office. Their duties are those ordinarily performed by such officers.  The officers of the SAC shall be as follows:

  1. Chairperson
    1. shall call and preside over all meetings of the SAC
    2. enforce the by-laws and perform all duties incident to the office of chairperson
    3. shall have the authority, with the approval from the members of the Council, to assign additional duties and responsibilities to individual Council Members
    4. shall provide a brief statement of the topics discussed at each meeting to parents and parishioners through appropriate communications
  2. Vice-Chairperson
    1. shall preside at meetings in absence of the Chairperson and assist the chairperson with performance of the duties of the office
  3. Secretary
    1. record, maintain and present minutes of all regular and special meetings of the SAC
    2. answer correspondence
    3. be custodian of the by-laws and records
    4. perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary


The full SAC will meet every six weeks. Special meetings may be called by the pastor, or the principal or chairperson with the approval of the pastor.  If SAC meetings are attended by non-members, the SAC may go into executive session whenever issues involving confidential matters arise or matters about which the SAC is authorized to act.

A simple majority of the voting members of the SAC is necessary for the transaction of business at any meeting.  A majority vote of those present and voting shall be sufficient for any recommendation or election, except an amendment to the Constitution and By-laws as hereafter provided.

The ordinary order of business shall be:

  1. call to order
  2. opening prayer
  3. recitation of the Mission Statement
  4. approval of minutes
  5. approval of agenda
  6. reports from school pastor and administrator
  7. reports from members/non-members
  8. action items (old business)
  9. discussable items (new business)
  10. evaluation of meeting (optional)
  11. closing prayer

The SAC may establish its own rules of procedures, but in the absence of such rules, Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall apply.v


These by-laws may be amended by the SAC as follows:

  1. any amendment to the by-laws should be brought to a plenary meeting of the SAC for introduction and discussion. The amendment shall be proposed in writing and a vote taken at the next regular meeting of the Council.
  2. upon approval by a simple majority of the SAC, and with the approval of the pastor, the amendment shall be inserted into the by-laws and disseminated to all SAC members.


Members of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Advisory Council will:

  1. acknowledge that schools are a significant expression of the teaching mission of the Catholic Church and functions within its structure
  2. become more knowledgeable about the mission of Catholic education, as expressed in this school, and sincerely promote it to the various publics.
  3. recognize the need for continuing education about SAC responsibilities and understand that individual SAC members do not represent the SAC officially unless explicitly authorized to do so
  4. be fully prepared for each meeting by doing the required readings and completing necessary tasks
  5. support the principal in authorized functions and avoid intruding into administrative details unless requested to do so
  6. be loyal to SAC decisions even though personally opposed to the final recommendations and decisions
  7. be alert to alternate solutions to problems by keeping an open mind
  8. disqualify themselves from discussion and persuasion on issues where there is a conflict of interest with family or business interests or if the outcome may grant personal or family monetary or material benefits
  9. keep confidential discussions, content and decisions of the SAC
  10. pray often for other members of the SAC, OLL and the community it serves
  11. upon taking a position on the SAC, sign the above code of ethics
  • Adapted from “Building Better Boards, A Handbook for Board Members in Catholic Education,” by Lourdes Sheehan, RSM, Ed.D.